SAVE THE DATES—5 things to know

If this is your first time planning a wedding there are a lot of questions you might have! Here are ANSWERS TO SOME COMMON SAVE THE DATE QUESTIONS.


WHat is A save the date?

A "Save the Date" is exactly what it sounds like... a card (or an email if you are in a time crunch) to let the important people know the date of your wedding, so they can hold the date



Generally save the dates should go out about 6-8 months in advance. Save the dates allow Guests traveling from out of town to hold the date and book plane tickets/hotels in advance. If you’re having a destination wedding or during a busy time of year try to get your save the dates out around 12 months before your wedding date.

Busy times of year might be: over the winter holidays, the summer, a week that has a 3 day weekend like labor day. Make sure to consider other potential obstacles for your guests traveling from out of town like Graduations, Major sports games, Big concerts etc.


Who gets a Save The Date?

Guests you are inviting to your wedding.

Keep in mind: Anyone who receives a Save The Date will expect a formal invitation—if you're unsure about inviting someone... don't send them one!


If I send someone a Save The Date, do I need to send them a formal invitation?



What information should i include?

Your Names: If you have common names you might want to include first and last names

Date: Your Wedding date - If you’re planning a destination wedding and/or other events surrounding the wedding day including those dates on your Save the Date or something like “Save the weekend”) is helpful to youR guests (and will save you from getting bombarded with questions later on

Location: The City is often ok on it's own. If including just the city is confusing - of course include the state. for a destination wedding, make sure to include the destination country

I hope answering these common save the date questions here was helpful for you! If you have any questions regarding Save the dates or would like help with your own please reach out!


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